Monday, October 26, 2009

Xomba Writing Updates, and Two Contests

Writing Man Drifter: I'm Back!

Hey everyone, thanks for the patient wait as it has been a while since I've posted here. This past month has included a moving, a severe bout with carpal tunnel, and a lot of rush jobs that left me with little time to do anything else. So don't worry: Xomba writing adventures isn't a dead blog - although until my wrists heal the posts might be a little bit more spaced out.

This post is going to have to be short and sweet because as my ability to type for periods of time has been cut down drastically due to the carpal tunnel, so most of my limited time must be spent with the blogs, articles, and writing jobs that allow me to pay my bills - and there are some doozy medical ones coming up.

First of all, my most recent featured travel article is up and can be checked out here:

Visit Canton Football Hall of Fame

For any NFL fan or even football fan in general, if you haven't been there, it's worth the visit. I'm glad the NFL makes it mandatory now for all rookies to visit Canton.

The other news for right how is that there is still time to participate in TWO Xomba writing contests that are open right now. This gives freelance writers writing for Xomba a lot of chances to make some decent money, especially since both contests give prize money for up to four places, as well as allowing for UNLIMITED entries. So think up several great ideas and start shooting them forward!

Xomba writing contest #1: The dream job contest. Write about your idea of a dream job, which will then be judged by the Xomba staff as well as a guest job. Images are optional, and you only need to write 150 words. That's it. 150 words for a chance to win hundreds of dollars. This contest is open until November 9th, and you can find the official page for this contest here:

The prizes are $500 for 1st place, $250 for 2nd, $150 for 3rd, and $100 for 4th. Plus every winner gets a Xomba t-shirt. How's that for snazzy?

Xomba writing contest #2: This is the book cover contest. Imagine you are an author and you get to write your own bio. With a minimum of 150 words write your interesting biography, and make it good because in this contest you only get one shot! Include a photo - because after all, this is your bio. This contest ends on November 20th, and the official rules can be found here:

The prizes for this contest are $200 for first place, $100 for second, and $50 for third place. 4th place gets a custom Xomba t-shirt.

So all you Xomba writers out there, get cracking to get those contest articles up, and get those normal articles out to up your AdSense income. The life of an online freelance writer is never easy, but every article you write gets you that much closer to your final goal.